I'd almost forgotten I started a blog. Yeshiva Boy, I found out a long time ago - the prophet God told me about - it was Y'shua. I mean, we had lots of prophets, I should know, I was one - but it turns out that Y'shua was, takkeh, THE Prophet. I think we all better listen to him.

- Posted June 1, 2006 C.E.


At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is ridiclulous comparing Jesus to Moshe. Not even close in charateristics. Moshe would die preserving the Torah in its perfect form, while Jesus had no issue with changing how a Jew should practice; to the point of saying shabout should not be observed! Moses could speak to HaShem when ever he chose. We don't even know if Jesus had any prophetic abiltity. Believe me if he did Jews would know. Moshe was the very essence of what a Jew should be. He followed all the Miztvahs and convinced Jews to observe more not less. Moshe never claimed he was G-d.


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