Ral, good to see you posting again. You're right, Y'shua was like me in a lot of ways, but I can't compare myself to him. I don't have his patience for large complaining crowds of people. Especially these days.

- Posted June 9, 2006 C.E.


At 6:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's me again. I'm still alive. Not only that, I'm the Derech, Emet and Chai (the Way, the Truth and the Life). Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. I am the Light of the World. I am the Resurrection and the Life. Just wanted to let you know.

- Posted June 11, 2006 C.E.

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not even going to try to make him understand. If he thinks he is even close to being like Y'shua and believes he is a prophet then he is way too gone for any of us to make him listen to reason. All we can do is pray for him because one day he will be face to face with Almighty God Y'shua Himself and he will know then.


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